Another few days with the camera and the dogs free running in the home paddocks this spring gives twelve new photos.
cover photo our 2021 performance superstar (we managed less than 4 months of competition in 2021 due to COVID restrictions) Ch ERINVEINE JOYFUL ROSE RA ET who raised her second beautiful litter in 2020 and upgraded to RA and added the ET in 2021
Featured this year are in month order
- Ch Erinveine Exculpatory
- Ch Erinveine Integrity nursing her October 2020 litter
- Ch Erinveine Joyful Rose RA ET
- Ch Carydan Ciar RN (impUK)
- PolJrCh Genius Loci Kaprys Rejenta (impPo)
- Erinveine Nine Magical Tricks
- Ch Erinveine Knew the Best Tricks RN ET
- Erinveine Proven Integrity
- Ch Erinveine Integrity RN
- Ch Erinveine Evermore
- Ch Erinveine Credence
- Ch Erinveine Jester RN
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