Erinveine Extra Copy

callname: Copy
whelped: 02 November 1996
gender: male
breeder: Dr H & Miss J Irving
owner: Mr & Mrs E Sanim,
registration number: V1655492
sire: AuCH Erinveine Union Jack
dam: AuCH Erinveine Xerox
died: 13 September 2004 immediate cause of death: undiagnosed underlying causes: sudden collapse toxic bite / allergeric reaction suspected

Official health screening results

no tests have been undertaken


AuCH Erinveine Union Jack AuCH Erinveine Privilege AuCH Erinveine Nonetheless
AuCH Leybel Lleyse (impUK)
Erinveine Lyric AuCH Almarney Duke
AuCH Almarney Miss Penelope
AuCH Erinveine Xerox AuCH Erinveine Privilege AuCH Erinveine Nonetheless
AuCH Leybel Lleyse (impUK)
Erinveine Standstoreason Erinveine Keeper
AuCH Erinveine Naturally

Major Wins in Australia/New Zealand



there are no progeny on the Erinveine database as yet

Siblings (same parents!) of AuCH Erinveine Extra Copy

Erinveine Esquire