ERINVEINLisa Franke’s F1958 David Irving bought his first Clumber Spaniel – Harwood Bustle

1959 imported and won on Australian debut Best in Show all breeds championship show (CH) THORNVILLE SWIM

1960 first Erinveine Clumber litter – photo Herald Sun newspaper – with Barbara & Helen Irving

1962 CH ERINVEINE GLEAM first Australian bred Clumber to win Best in Show all breeds championship show

1960s & 1970s good general success and a few more litters, and export to Japan, but input limited by family commitments, the original bloodlines were allowed to die out.

1984 on David’s sudden death, the newly introduced bloodlines passed to Helen and Jan Irving

1986 Jan joined Working Clumber Spaniel Society (UK)

1987 Jan commenced the series of reference books CLUMBER SPANIEL: AUSTRALASIAN HANDBOOK

1987 May launched the international breed magazine Clumber Spaniel Correspondence, renamed in 2003 as CLUMBERS, retired the magazine in 2012 – 25 years of coverage and connection.

1993 CH ERINVEINE REGAL Best in Show at a Gundog Championship Show – first time for a Clumber in Australia.

1993 CH ERINVEINE REGAL BEST OF WINNERS INVITATION EVENT Western Australia – BREED FIRST for Australia, may be the world


1996 Spring Fair Sydney November, Lisa Franke’s Ch ERINVEINE UNQUESTIONED is awarded a CACIB – first Aust Bred Clumber and first in Australia we think

1997 Jan, founding member Clumber Spaniel League Victoria (Australia) (now a Life Member)

1998 Hoflin USA published the book CLUMBER SPANIELS by Jan Irving

1999 ERINVEINE HERALD AT ARMS first Australian bred Clumber to gain their US CHAMPION title

2000 USCH ERINVEINE HERALD AT ARMS first Australian bred Clumber to gain their US TD tracking title

2000 Jan self published THE WHITE SPANIEL, declared one of the best ten dog breed books of all times by Nick Waters in Dog World Annual 2008

2001 USCH ERINVEINE HERALD AT ARMS USTD was the first Clumber ever to be granted the Canadian Kennel Club TRACKING DOG title (others had completed qualifications but CKC records show Howy was the first to be granted)

2002 CH ERINVEINE MARK MY WORDS was the first Australian bred Clumber to gain his JUMPING DOG title

2002 CH ERINVEINE MARK MY WORDS JD was the first Australian bred Clumber to gain his COMPANION DOG title

2002 CH ERINVEINE NOTTINGHAM LAD was the first Clumber to gain the GRAND CHAMPION title, in Australia, and possibly the world

2003 CH ERINVEINE MARK MY WORDS JD CD was the first Australian bred Clumber to gain his AGILITY DOG title

2003 renamed the magazine Clumber Spaniel Correspondence to CLUMBERS

2004 sent sample for the general dog genome mapping DNA bank conducted by Katy Robertson (USA) Veterinary Genetics Laboratory University of California at Davis

2005 sent samples for pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) deficiency [now known as PDP1 deficiency) and Clumbers conducted by Dr Jessie Cameron (Ca) The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto & Dr Diane Shelton (USA) Department of Pathology, University of California, San Diego

2005 USCH ERINVEINE HERALD AT ARMS USTD CATD first Australian bred Clumber to complete a CANINE GOOD CITIZEN certificate

2005 sent samples for Canine hip dysplasia and Clumbers conducted Dr Steve Harris (UK) School of Biomedical Sciences, Queens Medical Centre, University of Nottingham

2006 supplied samples to allow validation of the PDP1 test for the first labs to offer this in Australia and the UK

2007 CH ERINVEINE EXONERATE exported to Abbyford, UK first Australian import to UK to gain his KC studbook number

2008 CH ERINVEINE WRIT exported to Diabf, Sweden first Australian import to Sweden

2008 AUSECH ERINVEINE WRIT first Australian bred Clumber to gain his Swedish Show Champion title

2008 GRCH ERINVEINE ZOU first Australian bred Clumber to be rated 0:0=0 hips, Australian scoring using the BVA protocols

2008 CH ERINVEINE WRIT the first Australian bred Clumber to be granted A hip plates in Europe

2009 Jan was elected Honorary Member of the Victorian Gundog Club (Australia)

2009 Jan was elected Honorary Member of the Clumber Spaniel Club of America

2010 CH ERINVEINE APPRAISER first Australian bred Clumber to be rated USA OFA EXCELLENT hips

2011 CH ERINVEINE EVER FAITHFUL exported to Delsaux, UK

2012 (September) retired the magazine CLUMBERS, first published in May 1987

2014 CH ERINVEINE QUINTESSENCE’S son Ch Bernedale Power of Magic became the first Clumber in Australia to gain the new Supreme Champion title

2011 CH ERINVEINE QUINTESSENCE’S son SupCh Bernedale Power of Magic became the first Clumber in Australia to gain a TD tracking title

2017 AUGR&NZCH ERINVEINE NOTTINGHAM LAD’S son GrCh Taniwha Robin Hood became the first Clumber in Australia to gain a RN rally title.

2018 AUGR&NZCH ERINVEINE NOTTINGHAM LAD’S son GrCh Taniwha Robin Hood RN became the first Clumber in Australia to gain a TCH tracking champion title

2018 courageously undertook to act as breed editor for World of Clumbers, huge honour, massive task