A few days with the camera and the dogs free running in the home paddocks this spring gives twelve new photos. As Barbara Irving died recently, we’ve added her Pembroke to our pages.
cover photo are the first fiver EVER Clumbers to gain their Endurance test titles from left to right, PolJrCh Ch Genius Loci Kaprys Rejenta RN ET (impPo), Ch Erinveine Joyful Rose RE TK.S, Ch Erinveine Nine Magical Tricks RN ET, Ch Erinveine Knew the Best Tricks RA ET, and Erinveine Nine Genius Tricks ET
Featured this year are in month order
- Ch Erinveine Jester RN
- Dygae No More Secrets
- PolJrCh Ch Genius Loci Kaprys Rejenta RN ET (impPo)
- Ch Erinveine Joyful Rose RE TK.S ET
- Ch Erinveine Knew the Best Tricks RA ET
- Erinveine Quality Tricks
- Ch Erinveine Evermore
- Erinveine Nine Genius Tricks ET
- Ch Erinveine Nine Magical Tricks RN ET
- Ch Erinveine Integrity RN
- Ch Carydan Ciar RN (impUK)
- Ch Erinveine Proven Integrity