To receive news from Erinveine, including upcoming litters or dogs for sale, go to http://erinveine.com/dogs-for-sale/ and join the free magazine/mailing list.
** PUPPIES PLANNED – 2023/4 **
We are members of Dogs Victoria.
Dogs Victoria is an affiliate of Australian National Kennel Council. This is the only registry in Australia for international purebreed dog show and performance sports. Purebreeds backed by performance trials & tests & shows, with proven international records.
Please contact Dogs Victoria on email: office@dogsvictoria.org.au to verify our membership Dr H & Miss J Irving 3008660220
Pet Exchange Register. Source Number is RB100222 (From July 1st 2019 anyone in the State of Victoria selling or rehoming a pet must have a source number and dogs must be microchipped)
the 2024 multipage wall calendar
all new photos of our beautiful Clumbers
PDF copy of the four issues from 2003 of the international Clumbers magazine … learn about this breed’s fabulous achievements. The PDF file is in full colour and includes extraordinary stories. Click here
Clumbers are the sole dedication of the Erinveine Kennel, where we proudly move with the times and adopted proven best knowledge based practices. Our website contains a wealth of information and thousands of photos of many of the dogs we have been so lucky to share our lives with. Please use the menus above or check below our intro photo for more.
We sincerely thank those owners and breeders who have sold or leased us their loved dogs in and from outside Australia. We look forward to future liaisons and welcome suggestions. “Purebred dogs are, by definition, reproductively isolated from other breeds. However, similar isolation can also occur within a breed due to conflicting breeder ideals and geographic distances between the dog populations. We show here that both of these examples can contribute to breed division, with subsequent loss of genetic variation in the resulting breed lineages. Breeders should avoid creating unnecessary boundaries between breed lineages and facilitate the exchange of dogs between countries. Lampi, S., Donner, J., Anderson, H. et al. Variation in breeding practices and geographic isolation drive subpopulation differentiation, contributing to the loss of genetic diversity within dog breed lineages.” Canine Genet Epidemiol 7, 5 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40575-020-00085-9
August 2016 photo Y Kyriacou
Experience has moulded our protocols and practices.
We are passionate about Clumbers, passionate about breeding great characters with excellent health and long lived … sometimes, of course, Mother Nature can throw a curve ball, but that is no reason not to think about the outcome and the causes and get on with our responsibility to this enchanting breed.
Soundness of conformation and temperament are integral to breed type and vitality, all are core components in our selection process.
Just because we bred a dog is not qualification in our eyes to show or breed it.
We show regularly but not all the time, as such, we currently are not submitting results for pointscores,
BUT, our main wins are listed via our dog’s biographies. We also trial regularly in Rally O and other Clumber sensitive sports including Endurance tests.
Our show dogs and those we choose to breed MUST meet our ever rising expectations in
- soundness of conformation,
- temperament,
- suitable working coat without excess length, easy care
- quality of movement
- and
- overall breed type
- and conceivably work in heavy low lying growth with the ability to clamber over logs, dive under logs, work in heavy undergrowth without ploughing in a freeway for vermin to decimate the game population, climb river banks, carry found game, seek out hiding game, tirelessly day after day without causing injury to the dog or the vegetation he is worked in.
In most cases we
- breed a female only once, breed a male not more than twice and quite often once only; these are the recommendations of scientists interested in improving the genetic health of dog breeds by avoiding ‘popular sire’ syndrome, or dominating the population with very few family groups and low genetic options
- we keep the Co-efficient of Inbreeding under 6% over 5 generations (Swedish recommendations)
- we have foregone holidays for decades now to allow us to be able to import new bloodlines
We are happy to work in partnership with dedicated people who are interested in breeding better Clumbers, please contact Jan.
We are one of very few to offer information about our dogs and the breed in an open forum (this website and on Facebook) and have an extensive plan to allow lifetime support post purchase.
Stay up to date with general Erinveine news on the Facebook page Erinveine Clumbers
and Puppy News by joining the Erinveine Magazine
right multi BIS wining Ch Erinveine Jester 29 July 2018
Best in Show
Rarer Gundog Spaniel Club of Victoria Championship Show
judge E Boxhall photo Y Kyriacou
Jester was also Best in Show at the Clumber Spaniel League Victoria 2018 Championship show – judge Ms D Stewart-Ritchie (Ireland)
Ch Erinveine Jester RN – the first Australian bred Clumber to gain the RN!