As the DNA genome is ‘mapped’ more and more projects are being generated, and where possible Erinveine is proud to have contributed by supply of samples and information. Listed here are a few that we have been involved in. We are doing this to screen for clear stock rather than trying to patch up issues already showing up
- general dog genome mapping DNA bank conducted by Katy Robertson (USA) Veterinary Genetics Laboratory University of California at Davis- 2004
- Canine hip dysplasia and Clumbers conducted Dr Steve Harris (UK) School of Biomedical Sciences, Queens Medical Centre, University of Nottingham – 2005
- pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) deficiency [now known as PDP1 deficiency) and Clumbers conducted by Dr Jessie Cameron (Ca) The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto & Dr Diane Shelton (USA) Department of Pathology, University of California, San Diego – 2005 PDH clear dogs tested in the primary research are listed at